Anemia is a condition where the blood and the low concentration of red blood cells (RBCs) or red blood cells less than the average amount of hemoglobin. Is the most common cause of this condition is iron deficiency. The presence of iron in apricot makes it an excellent food for a small amount sufferers.The anemia but necessary of copper in the fruit makes iron available for consumption of apricot body.Liberal can increase the production of hemoglobin in the body. This is ideal for women after their menstrual cycle, especially those with heavy flow.
Anemia is a condition where the blood and the low concentration of red blood cells (RBCs) or red blood cells less than the average amount of hemoglobin. Is the most common cause of this condition is iron deficiency. The presence of iron in apricot makes it an excellent food for a small amount sufferers.The anemia but necessary of copper in the fruit makes iron available for consumption of apricot body.Liberal can increase the production of hemoglobin in the body. This is ideal for women after their menstrual cycle, especially those with heavy flow.
If you are going through constipation from long time, then having apricots on daily basis can be very beneficial.Apricots are rich in fiber and hence are good for smooth bowel movements. It is often recommended to patients who are regularly suffering from constipation due to its laxative natures.The cellulose and pectin content in apricot is a gentle laxative and are effective in the treatment of constipation.Cell membrane helps the intestine to work properly, and the latter helps in absorbing water in intestine. The pectin absorbs and retains water, thereby increasing bulk to stools, aiding in smooth bowel movement. Hence, if you suffer from chronic constipation, consume 6 to 8 apricots per day should help improve your condition.
Apricot helps to clear your entire acidity and digestion problem. Take an apricot before meal to aid digestion, as it contains alkaline reaction in the digestive system.
The large amount of vitamin A is essential to maintain or improve eyesight.Insufficiency of this vitamin can cause night blindness and impair sight. Apricot is highly recommended for eye because it contains Vitamin A which helps in improving vision for the person.
Apricot juice is given to the patients suffering from fever as it provides necessary vitamins, minerals, calories and water to the body. Some people also use steamed apricot during fevers. Blend some honey and apricots with some mineral water and drink to cool down fever.It quenches the thirst and eliminates the waste products effectively from your body. Tone up your eyes, stomach, liver, heart and nerves by supplying vitamins and minerals.
Apricot oil is best for skin care. It quickly absorbs the skin and does not keep the skin oily when applied. Apricot not only useful for maintaining the skin smooth and shiny, also aids in treating number of skin diseases such as s Pear has fibers which not just help you avoid the hassles of constipation and regular bowel movements; it also binds the bile salts in the colon and efficiently flushes them out of your system.
Fiber lowers high cholesterol levels, people at risk for atherosclerosis or diabetic heart disease. Since bile salts are made from cholesterol, the body must break down more cholesterol to make more bile, a substance that is also necessary for digestion. The end result is a lowering of cholesterol levels.eat the pear whole for its precious fiber that is highly beneficial for your colon health.
Fiber also binds to cancer-causing chemicals in the colon, preventing them from damaging colon .This may be one reason why diets high in fiber-rich foods, such as pears, are associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer.