Benefits of Onion

Small onions boiled in water for children suffering tukkamillamal in water with two spoons of sugar to get good sleep.

For small children, a small onion skin disease caused by tonsil removing chewing eat a little salt, partially cured by eating cold water available.

Ear pain, crushing onion juice cut the inside and pulled the Group finds it a bit to warm slightly if ear pain, stabbing stops.

If ajiranat vomiting, diarrhea, often at the rate of one ounce of cold water mixed in a half If venkayaccaru digestive power has happened less frequently mappu kotuttuvara vomiting, diarrhea stops.

Cholera caused by the beginning of each avunsum visappuccikal venkayaccaru, 2, 3 pinch asafoetida tulum to attend a half-hour cure time. In this condition, hand, foot and onions are cooled with jillip ullankaikalilum apply the heat to come patankalilum carraiye should apply.

Removing a small piece of skin cut onions in cold water three times a day for four or five times, including yogurt consumption alampi cleanses diarrhea.

Hemorrhage with hemorrhage from the nose sniffs crushing stops when the onions.

Ya its a bit of equal size mixer venkayaccarum nallenneyum venkayaccaru or pain in the teeth to keep the property for insects and dead in a short time the pain will stop.

Avunsum venkayaccaru half, a quarter of pure honey mixed avunsum the morning, followed by 25 days, eating the evening 2 times the rate for men increased viryam.


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