The Avocado

The fruit of horticultural cultivars from almost round to oval or pear shape is enough. In general, the size of the temperature zone pear or larger, the outside bright green to green - sand (or nearly black) in color.

The fruit of the higher fat content than most other fruits, mostly monounsaturated fat, cited as a single. And other fatty foods (high fat meats and fish, dairy, etc.), access control, which serves as an important staple in the diet of different groups. In the palm of the hand with a ripe avocado will yield to gentle pressure when squeezed. Usually greenish yellow flesh is golden yellow when ripe. The flesh is fermented manniramatal ventilation kavilkkappattu reaction becomes brown quickly after exposure. To prevent this, after they are peeled avocados with lime or lemon juice added.
Approximately 75% of the calories come from fat an avocado. Monounsaturated fat, which is mostly single. Avocados contain more potassium than bananas and 60%.They contain a high concentration of B vitamins. Similarly, in vitamin E and vitamin Khave a higher concentration they have any fruit to digest - which contains 75%insoluble and 25%. 
In avocado, one double, Avogadro (16 - heptatec's -1,2,4 - by tiraiye) and cholesterolby the tiraiye (fatty alcohol) are
Maciyal solid and liquid flavor of the fruit for atvokat used in its original .Produced by the Dutch population of curinam and recihpi, also from the same source.


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